Cherry Blossom Spring Whiskey Tasting San Francisco discount price

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Whiskey aficionados will be gathering at the Hotel Kabuki for the first annual Cherry Blossom Spring Whiskey Tasting.  Whiskey representatives will be showcasing their top brands.  They will be featuring exotic spirits from Asia.  During this 2 ½ hour Whiskey Tasting, you’ll sample scores of the world’s finest whiskey.  Featured brands include Fakano, Kurayoshi, Ohishi, Amrut, Rampur, Nikka, Kavalan and more.  You could find your new favorite spirit here.  Live art work by Helice Wen will be featured.

The Tasting will be happening on Friday, April 20, 2018, at 5:30pm.  Book this through Goldstar and save 50% off the price of admission.