Save money with a coupon or discount ticket to the Broadway Christmas Wonderland in Tokyo

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Looking for a Christmas experience in Tokyo, Japan?  Then check out the Broadway Christmas Wonderland show!

Broadway Christmas Wonderland has been a hit since it first debuted in 2016 in Shibuya.  It was the first show of its kind in Japan.  It was modeled after the style of the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, which has been a Christmas tradition in New York City since 1933.  It is great for anyone in Japan looking for some American-style Christmas entertainment this winter.

Speaking of America, there is a Broadway feel to this show (hence the name of the show!) as it features singing and dancing.  The show features popular holiday music, like “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”, “Jingle Bells”, and “Joyful Joyful”.  You can also enjoy kicklines and tap dancing by talented dancers.

But in addition to this, there is even ice skating!  Yes, there an ice rink on the stage!

The show’s first performance was on December 14th.  There will be shows through Christmas (December 25th).  The doors open thirty minutes before the show begins.

Here is a schedule of the showtimes.

  • December 14th (Saturday): 12:00 PM & 4:00 PM
  • December 15th (Sunday): 12:00 PM & 4:00 PM
  • December 16th (Monday): No performance
  • December 17th (Tuesday): No performance
  • December 18th (Wednesday): 2:00 PM
  • December 19th (Thursday): 2:00 PM & 6:30 PM
  • December 20th (Friday): 2:00 PM
  • December 21st (Saturday): 12:00 PM & 4:00 PM
  • December 22nd (Sunday): 12:00 PM & 4:00 PM
  • December 23rd (Monday): 2:00 PM
  • December 24th (Tuesday): 2:00 PM & 6:30 PM
  • December 25th (Wednesday): 12:00 PM


Looking to save money on your ticket to the Broadway Christmas Wonderland Show?  There are discounted ticket options available here.  No coupon code or promo code is needed as the discount voucher is automatic.