Coupon, promo code for Kringle's Inventionasium Experience in Downtown Cleveland

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Every year, kids on Christmas morning around the world get gifts made by Santa Claus.  A lot of these toys are made at Kris Kringle’s secret toy lab.  And now you have a chance to see the laboratory in an Inventionasium adventure!

Kringle’s Inventionasium Experience

Your journey will actually not start at the North Pole.  It begins, naturally, in Downtown Cleveland, Ohio.  That is where you’ll a receive a top secret assignment from the INTERIMAGINARY Travel Agency.  You’ll get to travel secret tunnels that only elves and other magical creatures know about.  You’ll look for clues that will lead you to a coded message.

When you get to the Inventionasium, you’ll see someone who needs – and that someone is none other than Kris Kringle.  He wants you to help him innovate new toy ideas.  To do this you’ll naturally need to head to the Brainstorming Department.  Once you come up with an idea, you get to choose from the lab’s collection of interesting and quite frankly rather bizarre materials.  You also bring your idea to the I.D.I.D.I.T Design Studio, where you can doodle your designs and let your imagination run free.

Your design really comes to life though at the Whatchamacallit Workshop.  You’ll experiment with different materials and assemble them into a toy.  Then you get to show off your design at the Grand Invention Hall.

And that’s not all!  You also get to assist with Experiment 225 and witness a scientific breakthrough in the Grow Snow Laboratory.  You’ll meet members of the Kringle family over at the Hiccup Hangout.

Oh, and I amost forgot about your private visit with Santa Claus.  That’s where you get to tell him about what you want for Christmas.  Also, photographers are on hand to take pictures.  In other words, this is where families get that perfect picture of their child with Santa.  Families can also shop for unique holiday gifts this season over at Kringle’s Toy Shoppe.

Promo Code

If you would like to enjoy this experience, then you’ll need a ticket.  And I am sure you don’t want to pay full price for said ticket.  In fact, I am sure you’d love a promo code.

But I actually have something better than that, and that is an automatic discount.  You’ll just need to purchase your ticket here.  You’ll save up to 15% automatically.  And no promo code or coupon code is needed!