Best days to get discounted tickets to Noah's Ark Waterpark Wisconsin Dells

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If you want to save money on tickets to Noah’s Ark Waterpark in Wisconsin Dells, then click here and you can save 25% on any day of the 2019 season.

But as far as the best day is concerned, this all depends on what you want.

If you want to have the shortest lines, then choose one of the days that are open from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM.  Typically, the park is open for the least amount of time when less people are expected to come, so attendance should be lower.  The dates that is open from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM would be:

  • May 25th, May 27th, May 29th-31st, June 2nd-June 7th, August 19th-22nd, August 26th-30th, September 2nd, September 7th-8th

The next best would be days that are open from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.  These days are:

  • May 26th, June 1st, June 10th-13th, June 17th-20th, August 14th-16th, August 18th, August 23rd, August 25th

After that, you could check out days that Noah’s Ark Waterpark are open from 10:00 AM to 6:30 PM, which are:

  • July 9th-11th, July 16th-18th, July 12th-13th, July 31st

After that, you could check out days that Noah’s Ark Waterpark are open from 10:00 AM to 7:00 Pm, which are:

  • June 8th-9th, June 14th-16th, June 23rd-27th, June 30th, July 1st-5th, July 7th-8th, July 12th, July 14th-15th, July 19th, July 21st-26th, July 28th-31st, August 1st-2nd, August 4th-9th, August 11th, August 17th, August 24th, September 1st

Finally, there are days that the waterpark is open from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM.  While these should be the most crowded, the advantage of attending on one of these days is you should get more bang for your buck, meaning you could pay the same for your ticket but get to stay extra hours.  The dates for those are:

  • June 21st-June 22nd, June 29th, July 6th, July 13th, July 20th, July 27th, August 3rd, August 10th