Coupon, promo code for Branson Coaster in Missouri

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You may have tried roller coasters at theme parks, like Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri.  But have you ever tried a mountain coaster?  Well, you can also try that during a trip to Branson, MO!

The Branson Coaster is North America’s Original Double Alpine Coaster.  It’s a really neat experience that combines the excitement of a thrill ride with the beauty of nature.

There are one-or-two-person sleds available for guests.  A neat thing about this experience is that unlike in a regular roller coaster, you get to control how fast your vehicle goes as you race through the Ozark foothills!  So both the biggest daredevils and cautious thrill enthusiasts can enjoy this experience.  And of course during the ride, you get amazing views of the surrounding area.  It’s no wonder the Branson Coaster was a winner of a 2022 TripAdvisor Travelers Choice Award!

The Branson Coaster is located on 2115 Missouri 76.  It is located near numerous restaurants, shopping options, and entertainment options like Ripley’s Super Fun Zone.  It is also close to a lot of hotels, such as Hotel Grand Victorian.

This is definitely an attraction you’ll want to try on your next Branson vacation.  Especially considering the great discount that is currently available!


So about that discount!  I won’t make you wait any further.  You’ll just need to buy your ticket here.  And then you can save up to 57% on a Branson Coaster ticket!  No promo code or coupon code is even needed!

The discounted ticket doesn’t just get you admission to the Branson Coaster, too.  It also gets you a free Printed Photo or Digital Photo to commemorate your experience!

Branson Coaster Requirements

Please note that the Branson Coaster has some specific requirements.

All riders must be between 38″ and 53″ tall.  The driver in particular must be 54″ or taller.  In dry weather conditions, the combined weight of your vehicle must not exceed 375 pounds.   In wet weather conditions, the combined weight of your vehicle must not exceed 330 pounds.