Coupon, promo code for Oktoberfest celebration in La Vista, Nebraska

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Grab your dirndl or lederhosen, snag your friends and head out to one of Nebraska’s biggest Oktoberfests at Lucky Bucket Brewing Company and Cut Spike Distillery in La Vista.  This will be happening on September 6, 2024, from 5 pm.

In the time before kegs and bottles, beer lovers would have to carry a bucket to the local brewery, fill it with beer and carefully carry it home.  Lucky Bucket Brewing Company pays tribute to brewing history with its name and its traditional brewing techniques.

Lucky Bucket is one of the oldest craft breweries in Nebraska.  They tapped their first beers with the debut of Pre-Prohibition Lager and Certified Evil.  The Pre-Prohibition Lager combines malted barley with just the right amount of hops, making it smoother and more flavorful than today’s typical lagers.  You can embrace your dark side with Certified Evil.  It is an Oatmeal Stout with a massive malt profile and unrelenting flavor.

Their Festbier is an Oktoberfest Lager that is expertly crafted.  It has the smooth and clear pale German lager notes of balanced maltiness and hoppiness.  Prost!

Oktoberfest Event Info

At Lucky Bucket’s Oktoberfest, your ticket will include your first pour.  The first 1,000  guests will receive a free commemorative stein.  

Every Oktoberfest has to have music.  Fremont, Nebraska’s The Happy Players will be providing that.

The Happy Players are a polka band.  This group of young, high energy musicians will make you want to dance and sing.  They’ve toured around Nebraska, performing at dances, weddings, restaurants and county fairs and have performed at the National Polka Festival twice.  The Happy Players want to promote a multigenerational love for polka music.   

The beer will be flowing all night long and there will be festive food to enjoy. Have fun listening to the music and you might learn how to dance the polka!  Compete with your friends and see who can hold their commemorative stein filled with beer with your arm extended the longest.

Don’t forget to raise a stein to Munich in gratitude for their coming up with this great celebration of beer!  You can be German for one night, no questions asked.


Are you interested in saving money on Oktoberfest?  Of course, you are.  Book your ticket here and you can save 

  • $5 on 2 Oktoberfest Tickets
  • $15 on 4 Oktoberfest Tickets


La Vista, Nebraska, is within 20 miles of Council Bluffs, Elkhorn, Omaha, Carter Lake, Boys Town and Chalco.  La Vista is 46 miles from Cedar Bluff and 48 miles from Lincoln.