Coupon, promo code for Seance at the RMS Queen Mary in Long Beach, California

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The RMS Queen Mary is regarded by many people as the world’s most haunted ship.  Time magazine declared it to be one of “America’s Top 10 Most Haunted.”  

The Queen Mary’s maiden voyage was carrying the rich and famous from Europe to America in 1930.  In World War II, it was transformed into a troopship and was known as The Grey Ghost.  The ship survived a collision at sea and participated in D-Day.

The Queen Mary was refurbished after the war and resumed the luxury cruises.  In 1967, the ship was purchased by Long Beach and it has been functioning as a maritime museum and hotel since then.

It has been said that 57 people boarded The Queen Mary and never left.  And that’s where the name “57 Ghosts”  for the theatrical seance aboard this ocean liner originated. 

Join apparitionist Michael Rangel for an immersive experience that will bring you up close with the spirited past of this historic ship, “57 Ghosts.”

You’ll be taken on a mini tour of The Queen Mary and hear the story of Jackie, a young girl from the cruise years looking for her parents.  She’s been seen by many people multiple times over the years.  Then you’ll go into the seance chamber where an attempt will be made to speak with Jackie.  A Tarot reading will also be conducted.

You will witness and participate in a supernatural seance where anything can happen.

During these seances, people have said they were touched or poked in the back.  When they turned around they saw nothing there.  Others have felt a cold hand on their cheek or a little tug of their hair.  There have been sudden and extreme changes of temperature in the chamber.

When you open the door to the past, you cannot be sure what will happen.


If you’d like to save money on the seance, book your ticket here.  You can save $43 (43% discount) on Saturday or Sunday night seance with host-escorted seating.