Coupon, promo code for Monster X Tour in Wausau, Wisconsin

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Look out Wausau, Wisconsin!  The Monster X Tour is headed your way!  This will be the biggest and wildest show you will ever see!

Dive into the world of monster truck action.  Watch as the trucks defy gravity and leap over obstacles!  See them stand up on two wheels!

This will all be happening at Marathon Park in Wausau on June 1 and 2, 2024.

Master X Tour Shows

  • Saturday, June 1 – 1:30 pm
  • Saturday, June 1 – 7:30 pm
  • Sunday, June 2 – 2 pm

Enjoy a free Pit Party with the drivers and their trucks.  The trucks are painted with vibrant colors in striking designs.  Stand up against one of the trucks and you can really appreciate just how enormous those trucks are.

You can ask questions of the drivers and get midway fair food and other activities before the show.  Kids can play in a bounce house.

And then it’s time for the monster trucks to do their thing!  See giant trucks soar high in the air above everyone’s heads.  That can bring out the kid in all of us!  Be prepared to be thrilled and amazed!  Expect the unexpected.

The motocross team will up the excitement level.  See them soar above the ground and do things that shouldn’t be possible!

You’ll also see a full sized car be melted down and burned.  You and your family will be talking about this show for years to come.


You know shows like this will sell out so you’ll want to buy your ticket now, especially since you can get a great discount on the tickets now.  Book your ticket here and you can save $8.87 (45% discount) on each ticket.  The savings will be automatic and you won’t need to enter a discount code or a promo code. 


Wausau, Wisconsin, is within 30 miles of Deerbrook, Collins Park, Tigerton, Stockton, Swan and Evergreen.  Wausau is 98 miles from Green Bay, 103 miles from Oshkosh and 131 miles from Madison.