Lonely Planet Hawaiian airlines flight voucher trip to Hawaii sweepsakes

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Enter Lonely Planet – U.S.Magazine Hawaii Sweepstakes and a trip to Hawaii could be yours.  The Grand Prize is 120,000 HawaiianMiles Award Certificate for air travel for two, voucher for 2 for accommodations Glamping Hub, gift certificate for Kualoa Ranch Private Nature Reserve for 2 on the Jurassic Valley Zipline and the Premier Movie Site Tour including lunch for two, brunch at Koko Head café, an excursion with Atlantis Submarines and three Lonely Planet travel guides.  The approximate retail value of this prize is $6,120.

You must be a legal resident of the U.S. and be at least 18 years old to enter.  One entry per person and the Sweepstakes will end on July 12, 2018.